You’re invited to have silly amounts of both fun and rest in a place where you’ll be known by name by the end of the first day—and challenged to grow every day after. There are no pretenses here—no pressure to impress or perform. Just the chance to unplug, be yourself with other people, and let Jesus transform you. Registration opens January 1.
What matters at Hope Shores?
We want to know you by name and for you to come exactly as you are.
Everything we do is centered on Jesus and His transforming hope.
We build intimate relationships with each other, because that’s how we grow.
There’s a lot to be learned in silly times together, and there’s no pressure to impress or perform.
Can't make it to the Gala? You can still support life-changing camp ministry! Choose the "Give Before the Gala" fund on the giving portal.
Give Before the Gala
5-8 pm | Have fun celebrating and supporting the camping ministry of Hope Shore Bible Camp + Retreat Center. Hurry! Tickets will sell out!
Get Tickets
MAY 25-June 6
Staff Training
JUNE 8-13
2nd - 5th Grade Week 1
JUNE 15-20
2nd - 5th Grade Week 2
JUNE 20-22
Family Camp 1
JuNE 27-29
Family Camp 2
July 10-13
Single Moms Family Camp
July 13-18
6th - 8th Grade Week
July 20-25
9th - 12th Grade Week
JULY 30-AugUST 1
Young Kids Family Camp
August 4-6
Family Camp 3
Youth camps are week-long camps for students who have completed grades 2 – 12. From Penguins in the morning to Vespers at night, your days will be filled with fun, and laughter, good food and great friendships. Campers will learn about faith in God through counselors, meaningful talks, activities, and worship.
For 5 nights (includes lodging, meals, camp t-shirt, canteen)
2:00 - 2:30 pm
Drop off at Hope Church on Sunday
3:30 pm
Pick up at Hope Church on Friday
We are able to offer a limited number of reduced campership fees to those in genuine need. Hope Shores understands that sometimes financial difficulties arise for families; we never want to turn a child away from camp. Help us stretch our resources and please provide what you are able so that we can help as many kids as possible. Scholarships are only available for our overnight youth camps.
Our family camps are a vacation with a purpose. Camp is a place outside of life’s mainstream where you are invited to come rest and be strengthened in faith and family life.
We invite both single-parent and two-parent families to enjoy our family camps. Includes meals (modern dining facility overlooking Rice Lake), 2 nights lodging (cabins with bunk bed and a separate bathhouse). The links below contain arrival and departure times, packing lists, and more for your specific Family Camp.
0-3 = Free
4-11 = $110
12+ = $135
Family Max = $540
(Family Max includes up to two adults 21+. Additional adults 21+ must pay the adult rate of $125. Please contact for details).
Connect with other single mom families. Includes meals 3 nights lodging. Family includes you and your unmarried children through age 21. Check-in is between 6:00 – 7:00 pm on the first night after dinner. You will share a cabin with another family; some partitions are available for privacy. If you have children too small for a bunk bed, please bring a pack-n-play. Modern bathroom facilities, sinks and showers are in a nearby building.
Paying the $50 deposit will hold your family spot
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Arrive on Thursday night after dinner
1:30 - 2:30 pm
Depart Hope Shores on Sunday
The key to camp’s successful ministry has always been our staff and the power of God working through them. The college-aged staff is deeply committed to Jesus Christ, to young people, and to having FUN!
March 15 | 5:00 - 8:00 pm | Hope Church
The Hope Shores Gala is an event that celebrates and supports the camping ministry of Hope Shore Bible Camp + Retreat Center. The evening will include a social hour with silent auction, dinner, testimonies, Hall of Faith inductions, and alive auction. It is a semi-formal event. Please join us for a fun and meaningful evening to bless and support Hope Shores! Tickets go on sale February 1st.
Hope Shores Bible Camp + Retreat Center is open between May and October and has a capacity of 120. Retreat availability between June and August is subject to the existing summer schedule.
Please complete the rental reservation application to help us gather information about your group.
I’m Greta Schutte, and though I am the Hope Shores Camp Director now, I was once a camper and camp staff myself! I have a clinical doctorate in Athletic Training, and I’ve worked with college students for 18 years as an Athletic Trainer. I also have eight years of ministry experience with children and youth. See how God transforms lives and builds up leaders by being a Hope Shores camper or staff!
For camp information from September – May, you can reach Greta Schutte. During the summer months please call our camp office at 612-866-4055. Hope Shores is located at 17087 Ttt Rd, Eden Valley, MN.