Global Partners

Moving toward one another, no matter the distance, because Jesus said “go.”


ACROSS Documentary

April 22, 2025

April 22-May 13 | 6:30-8:30 pm | Portland Worship Center | Hear about 3 women and their children who fled to the U.S. to escape violence.

Hope in Honduras Mission Trip

April 15, 2025

Apply to join Hope's mission trip in Tegucigalpa, Honduras with our mission partners, Nueva Esperanza! Trip is from July 22-29.

Ways to Give and Serve

Pray for, financially support, and work alongside Hope’s global ministry partners in Africa, Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, and Asia.

Water for Life-Africa (directed by Hope member Nick Greener)

Water projects in Central, Eastern and Southern Africa focus on helping communities in need provide safe, sustainable water sources for themselves and their families. Local communities contribute both money and labor to the water projects at schools, churches, and clinics. Change lives through providing safe water. Choose Water for Life from the pull-down menu.

Daystar University

This school of more than 5,000 students from 30+ countries educates Christ-centered servant leaders to transform Africa. It has sent out more than 20,000 graduates to impact the whole continent in slums, businesses, banks, schools, churches, and TV stations. Support servant leaders for Africa.

Kenya Children’s Fund

Kenya Children’s Fund transforms lives of children living in poverty by providing nutrition, medical care, and education in a Christ centered environment—enabling them to return to their communities as change agents. Sponsor a child.

Nueva Esperanza

Nueva Esperanza seeks to effect permanent change in the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical lives of children living in poor communities in Honduras. As the ministry continues to expand, Bible studies, special training workshops, and evangelical outreaches impact the children’s mothers and other family members. Sponsor a child.

Pars Theological Center

Trains leaders for service, sacrifice, and solidarity in Iran and beyond. Learn more at To donate, choose Mission Giving from the pull-down menu and type "Pars" in the memo box.

Other Global Partners

Contact Peggy Turnbull, to learn about Hope’s other global mission partners.

Missions Opportunities

Short-term mission trips encourage already established missionaries and global partners who pour out their lives to cross over and love people with the love of Christ. They may also spark a passion for new workers to “go” long term. Explore mission service, email Peggy Turnbull.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…

Matthew 28:19